Tuesday, October 5, 2010

Jasper Stinks!!! Euuh..

Hi , did i mention that Jasper actually stinks .. really baaad... yeah , that s what i named him.. my new guinea pig.. when i adopt him , i kinda smell this horrible scent  , but i thought this might be his previous owners fault ,   maybe he doesnt gave him a bath or he never clean the cage and what not.. and i think i could solve this by giving him a bath and a clean cage.. but apparently nothing changed , he is still stinky....anyone know what to do?



  1. maybe u should spray some cologne...hahaha
    it's just a suggestion....

  2. The male guinea pigs I've had did smell. I'm not sure if it's normal or not, but we've never had a problem with the females smelling. I did read that the males sometimes need help keeping the urogenital and anal area of their bodies clean, though. Try doing a search on it to see if there's anything you should be doing for him that way.
